Dear Dolls and Gents!
I've had this post in the drafts section for so long, I haven't finished it, because sometimes after taking the pictures I find out that they are not good enough or I feel not inspired to write the text my readers deserve, so i let it rest but guess what, now it's all ready for you :)
It's Spring (eventhough the weather has been so crazy) so I thought why not Pink, I know it's so not my thing, but since i am very into the glowy and dewy skin lately I discovered the magic of the pink, it makes you look so young and fresh, whether it's a lipstick, blush or even a simple nailpolish.
I have some products that i always use and adore and i want you to check them out :
I've had this post in the drafts section for so long, I haven't finished it, because sometimes after taking the pictures I find out that they are not good enough or I feel not inspired to write the text my readers deserve, so i let it rest but guess what, now it's all ready for you :)
It's Spring (eventhough the weather has been so crazy) so I thought why not Pink, I know it's so not my thing, but since i am very into the glowy and dewy skin lately I discovered the magic of the pink, it makes you look so young and fresh, whether it's a lipstick, blush or even a simple nailpolish.
I have some products that i always use and adore and i want you to check them out :
عسلامة حبوباتي إلي ديمة متفائلين !
نشالله لباس عليكم ومعملتوش كيفي حطيت ساقيا حافية فالقاعة نسخيلهة صيف برسمي ياخي إستبردت ، ملا انا حسيلو !
ليوم بش نحكيلكم الى الروز / Pink، صحيح انا منيش حبابة فيه الون هذا أما كي جربتو عجبني ياسر وقلت علاش لا .
الروز يجي في كل شي حمير ، في خدودك ولا حتى في ذوفرك حتى في عينيك زادة (جثة لزمك ترد بالك من درجة الروز إلي بش تحطها على عينيك خاطر فما rose ميجيش على العينين حلو ولا يردك مريضة بالرمد لطف عليكم ههها ). الروز يرجعك صغرونة حلوة وفرحانة حتى وإنت جوك مش هو. انا شخصياً يعجبني على خاطر يعمل effet
فراش وخاصةً الحومير يا ميمتي قادش نعمل عليه جو ديجا عند منو برشة هاهاها
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look 1: Elégant 192 |
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Look2: Kolsi 170 |
So did you like this post?
Will you be Pumping Up YOUR Pink ?
What Pinks do you love?
عجبكم البوست؟
بش تجربوا ال-rose ؟
انهوا الروز إلي يعجبكم ؟
أحكيولي كل شي !
Stay Amazing
xoxo Marwa Me Blind Optimistic
This time I have to comment in tounsi :p tfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaata9, kol chay :) klemik, your makeup w wejhik el mezyen w cha3rik el ta7foun kifik :D big like for this post <3
عيشك يا مزيانة ، كن عندك روز اخر يعجبك وديمة تستعملو قلنا عليه عد
Supprimerxoxo Marwa
love it ! I think its cheerful to see pink these days :) but I fell in love with kost lipstick :D how much is it please ?
RépondreSupprimerthank u so much Riri, im glad you like it.
Supprimerwelcome to the blog, come here often, hah?
love ya!
xoxo Marwa
J'adooooore les rouges à lèvres roses ! Mes préférés sont le Deborah ( j'ai le même d'ailleurs :D), le 192 d'Elegant et le 170 de Kolsi ! D'ailleurs il y'a un rouge à lèvres rose sur ma wishlist, c'est la candy yum yum de MAC ! AHHHH ritou ? <3 <3
RépondreSupprimerBisous marmar ;)
thank u so much Jess!
Supprimeryeah i know u have the deborah too, i looove it, too bad i didnt get to use it often, and yeah i heard abt the candy yum yum, it's soo gorgoeus !
thanks for passing by!
xoxo Marwa
ma7lehom les Ràl et crayons a lèvres Marwa <3
RépondreSupprimerle Ràl Lella j'ai le même :)
thank u Yosr :) im really happy you liked them :) nd yes those lipliners are really good, they are just the best
Supprimerxoxo Marwa
wowwwww nice piecess!!! love your make up, so fresh like spring:)))
RépondreSupprimerWould like to check out my new post it's about shopping in Istanbul:)))
kisses from Turkey!
thank u so much sweety! and yesss freshh
Supprimeri loved ur recent posts! ill be commenting often !
xoxo Marwa
Oh.My.Gosh! Love this!
RépondreSupprimerGreat blog here so excited to follow along!
Your newest fan,
thank u so much sweetie !
Supprimerxoxo Marwa
Waaaw great collection of pink lipsticks you got there, i'm not a big fan of pink , but the way you wear changes my mind about it , i love the #5 and #7 and the one in the second look really beautiful ! thx for posting this marwa :*
thank u so much hajer beauty!
Supprimercant wait to c u try it, it's gonna look gooooorgous on ya!
xoxo Marwa
bonjour marwa; j'ai adoré ton RAL fuschia vif kolsi de la derniière photo, il est sublime sur toi, et il parait bien opaque, bref il me tente bien celui là
RépondreSupprimerbisous ma belle et à bientot
je sais pas pourquoi j'ai jamais mis du rose sur ma bouche :D mais hataw ne5ou el élegant wel kolsi puisque mouch ghalyine w njareb, merciiiiiiiiii :*