samedi 30 janvier 2016

The Overall Dress

Dear Ladies and Gents,

It's been a long long loooong time, i've been through A LOT, no need to start explaining my absence now, i promise i'll do it...some day, but today is not the day.

Let me tell you something, i hate Zara, you know why? because i've never ever ever been lucky in that damn shop, every time i try on something it is either very ugly, never find my size or sold out !!! and i end up disappointed as hell every time! So i don't bother checking it out anymore, until one day i walked in, with my usual despair, and I found this gem !! the overall dress !! i fell instantly in love with it, and started creating endless looks with my the fitting room, damn you imagination !!
So here it is, my try on the Overall Dress look, i chose a simple white shirt, a bow and a nice hat !

Tell me, how would you style the Overall dress ? i'm looking for inspo, and who's better inspiration than you guys :)

Dress: Zara
Shirt: Koton
Bow: i made it 
Shoes: Zara
Hat: H&M
Lipstick: Sephora Cream Lip Stain 01 (gift from Arwa, thanks hun !!! ) and Femme Fatale lip liner by Essence Cosmetics

Stay Fresh !

10 commentaires:

  1. anything with that hat looks so stylish
    love love love love the hat ! and shoes of course :D

    1. thank you very much for your comment :)
      i love the shoes too !! i'm still not used to wearing that hat, but when i do, it looks very good !!

      xx Marwa

  2. The perfect combo ! you look greaaat :*

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