Heyyy Dolls and Gents !
Hoping you are having a fabulous day off and mouled nabawi sharif mubarak to all those who celebrate it :) don't eat too much Assida , hah! :p just kidding, have a fab fab fab Assida day, it's once a year so what the heck, to hell with calories :p
Today's post is about my January Wishlist for this year 2013 ! the things i am currently craving and doing some savings to buy them, some are reasonable and some are a bit expensive, some are not available in Tunisia sadly, so i will be trying to look for them abroad :)
Beauty Wishlist:
1- The UD Naked original Palette
2- MAC's Russian Red lipstick
3- Sleek blush by 3 lace
4- My Insolence by Guerlain (perfume)
5- Any glittery Nail polish
6- Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream
7- Makeup forever HD foundation
Fashion Wishlist :
My Fashion wishlist has nothing extravagant, for I decided this year to go with the Classics that compose so many stylish outfits and add some pepps with bright /bold accessories and lipsticks !
-Stripes (aaaaaall the way :p )
- A white shirt
- A burgundy sweater
- Black classic pants and classic dark jeans
- A trench
- Black Stiletto + nude Ballerina flats / cavalier Boots + flat booties
Books Wishlist
yes yes yes no wishlist can be blessed without some books, a girl is stylish because she is smart, isnt it ? ( did i just made up this sentence, aaah genius :p )
Here are the 2 books i have been trying to get, in ENGLISH of course !
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Kindle Fire |
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The Devil Wears Prada
There was my January wishlist, what is yours? i will be very happy if you share your cravings with me :)
thank you so much for checking out my post , hoping you liked it :)
if you did not subscribe to my blog, come on hurry, click on the blue icon just above "Members" ;)
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Stay Wishful,
xoxo Marwa Me Blind Optimistic ...
Hey! What a great idea to combine the 3 types of wish-lists!
RépondreSupprimerBeauty: I used to have Insolence, is this a new and improved version?
Never tried Russian red, but I'm so in love with Ruby woo that I have stopped looking for the perfect red :)))) Those blushes by sleek caught my eye toooo! But I think you forgot the Y (yohji yamamoto), how cool is a blush collab between sleek and a japanese fashion designer, right???
I tried the moisturizer, the smell is kinda wierd but it's great. And the Naked Palette, well, who needs to comment about that? :D Oh, and I haven't tried the MUFE HD, but it's so hard to find here, plus, when you do find it, they never have testers :((((
Fashion: I love basics too! My fashion wish list has one thing on it: a black leather biker jacket! I might still be looking for it when winter ends :D
Books: I'm a fantasy/distopia kinda girl :) Chic lit is not my thing :) But I liked the DWP movie :)))
Loved this post Marwa! Can't wait for the Turkey post!
Much love
thank u so much Amira for ur sweet comment !
Supprimerlet's start with the perfume, yes it's a faab version of the very much hated by me insolence ! it's like a whole different scent, way better (for me ) than the original Insolence. and ur right ruby woo is so charming that u forget to try other reds :D ive seen russian red on my fav blogger Keiko Lynn and it suits her perfectly so i wanted to try it, hoping it suits me too ! and i honestly havent heard abt the Y collab with Sleek, this is AMAZING news! i love anythg japanese let's see what comes out of this collab ;) and so the moitrizer smells weird, hah :p i read so many good reviews abt it and like i told u i dont really take care of my skin, i dont remove my MU often and almost never use moistrizer until i got that YR, but now i realized im 28 not getting any younger and my skin is screaming for help :p and the MUFE is available at the maisons de coiffure lafayette ive seen it, not many shades are available so im waiting for more to come !
fashion: i know ur craving that jacket and it's crazy on trend! hope u find the right one for u.
as for books, u read my least fav thg :p i have a couple of fantasy books, ill bring them next time we meet! ive read so many psycho-socio-political-post modern stuff back at uni and they made me hate alll that kinda reading, now im looking for light and entertaining ! best sellers u know..
thanks for passing by doll
xoxo Marwa
Hi girls, thanks for you Amira i discovered this cute blog & blogger :)please i have a question for both of you, the first product in my make up wishing list is 1/ NAKED but i'm wondering which one to buy NAKED or NAKED 2?? i feel really confused and i want to get the best product(actually i was planning to ask you about it Amira today in your blog). Second i want the 2/Eyeshodow primer from UD (i've heard that it's the best), then 3/glitters for eyes (i really don't know from which brand i can get them), my best ever foundation 4/Parure Extreme from guerlain, 5/YSL Mascara effet faux cils, 6/good compilation of bushes with brown & rose tones as the sleek one you mentioned (do you know if i can find sleek brand in dubai ?7/finally any translucent powder or foundation but a good one (still i couldn't find)... Well my list still too long :'( but i hope i'll have enough budget to get all of them :)
Supprimerhey Ameni, thank you very much for the sweet comment :)
Supprimerwell to answer ur questions, i personally prefer Naked1 because im more into the warmer colors, i dont think Naked2 has better shadows. but also naked 1 suits my skin color, if u'r lighter than a normal tunisian olive skin then go for Naked 2 ;)
now to to the eyedhasow primer, yes they say it's the best, havent tried it thu, but if u'r lookin for a more affordable veriosn go for the makeup factory eye primer, Amira says it's a dupe for the famous too faced one that is 20 dt or sth, thats an option :)
as for the glitters, there are plenty in Lafayette maison de coiffure or if u can afford MAC then MAC it is ;) it is generally used with the fix+ by MAC.
Sleek isnt available in dubai, it is available online, u order it online and they deliver it to u from the UK ;)
i recommanc stay matte by Rimmel as a pressed powder, and since i dont really use a translusent powder, but i wud recommanc u go to MAC and they can help u with that!
thank u so much for sharing ur questions with me
stay beautifuul !
xoxo Marwa
Thank you for the answer dear :) it was sooo nice to answer with details ;) well i already asked my husband to bring from dubai Naked 1 + Mac Blot powder + Mac MSF + some glittered eyeliners of UD + UD eyeshadow primer i hope he can bring them all tomorrow :D i'll update you ;).. yesterday i was checking sleek website, so i think i'll order it, and order also eyeshadow palette.. btw, what do you think about their eyeshadows, do you recommand to buy ?? thank you so much and have a good day ;)
SupprimerPS : i adored your 90s look ;) wonderful !
welcome back to the blog ameni!
Supprimerand my pleasure dear, sharing some info is the least i can do ;) i even have a whole category for it "ask marwa" above ;)
ohhh lucky uuuu !!!
and yes Sleek has really good palettes, the quality is amazing, pigmentation is just as good as any other high end product, i have the original which is shimmery and perfect for any bright day look or night out, and ive recently been gifted the Storm one by ammouna YT and it's a great alternative for Naked1, i looove the colors matte and shimmery and the pigmentation is PERFECTION, so yes i highly recommand sleek plus it's cheaaap for 12 shadows !
and thanks dear, my post will on the log maybe today if im not too sleepy :p
have an awesome fashionable day
xoxo Marwa
Again i'm hereeee :) i was so busy in the last few days trying my new babies :p i got Naked 1 and Naked 2 (plus all what i mentioned before & clinique pore perfecting base) and i am soooo happy !! thank you again for everything and i'll post a question for you in Ask marwa ;) have a great day my dear <3
Supprimerhey dolly,
RépondreSupprimergreat post & amazing goodies hopefully u'll get'em all asap, I know how "nakedcrazy" u are & I can't wait to see it among ur colloction :)
that "My insolence" ohhhhhhmyyyyggggg is probably the girliest perfume I've ever had, wear it if you want a lootttt of attention ,it makes u feel like the SEXIEST WOMAN on earth :))) & its smell lasts 4everrrrrrrrr, I would expect nothing less of Guerlain ;)
I'd love to put my hands on that LACE blush by3, MUFE HD as well is a great choice, want to have as well, but I didn't find my perfect shade
when it comes to fashion, I'd definely pick the shoes & boots that black stiletto is killing me & those cavalier boots are heaven , i might get one on sales
I agree with ur choice of books, after all the booooring novels we had at university, all my focus went either to scientific,medical or rom-com books , the devil wears prada seems amaazing, if it's a version of the movie,
I recommend u get New york's best seller, "confessions of shopaholic" & "a shopaholic takes Manhattan", by Sophie kinsella , it seems like she's talking about me :)))
again great post , waiting for ur turkey haul & pics :)) work on it this WE , muahhhh
thank u so much Sahar for the sweet comment :)
Supprimeryeah i really want that Naked :p i swatched urs and im still all dreamy abt it ! and that my insolence OMG really really gud and it is so different form the original insolence and thats why i love it even more !
my only wish is that Tunisia wud be able to order thgs online, then ALLLL our wishlist will come true :'(
and dear im a sophie kinsella addict, have u read "Remember Me" ? its so so so gud and very entertaining! i say go for it ;)
Stay Gorgeous
xoxo Marwa
je partage plusieurs de tes envies marwa!!! les vetemens c totalemen le look ke je voudrais trouvé surtt le pull loose et les bottes!!! j'espere que t'en as trouvé quelquue un en Turquie et que tu nous fera un article sur tes achats et nouveau look aussi :)
RépondreSupprimerles blush sleek et le rouge a levres sont aussi sur ma wish list !!(t'y crois moi du rouge :)
j'espere que j'oserai en mettre tres bientot
par contre sur les livres on a pas trop le meme style ! moi je suis plus vieille école meme si j'ai adoré le film le diable s'habille en prada ! je devrais essayer un bouquin en anglais des fois que je m'améliore :)
waiting or the haul post ;)
salut elhem, merci BP pr le comment ;)
Supprimerbut sadly in turkey i didnt find everything i wanted :( not even the UD palettes in sephora!
and trying new thgs is always fun, red lipstick a fashinable pair of shoes or even a silly book ;)
stay True
xoxo Marwa
ohh waw i like it et comme Elhemk je partage de tes envies aussi
RépondreSupprimerpssss viens faire un tour sur mon blog si jamais tu en as envie :)
welcome to my blog :) and thank u so much for ur sweet comment, hoping we can get everythg on our wishlists :)
Supprimerand im ur new follower on ur amazing blog :)
stay fash
xoxo Marwa