Hey Dolls and Gents !
Hoping this post finds you well. my friends have been blaming me for neglecting my blog !i know i am it's just that things haven't been great at work and in my life, a real MESS ! voila ! anyway, here i am again, with new ideas, new projects, that I hope you will, my loyal readers and subscribers, like .
Today is the first episode ( sounds cooler than post :p ) of the Marwa Interviews series of post, exciting, hah ? :D
well to start, i will be doing one interview per month, of people I know and sometimes I don't know , interesting people, special people reasonable, right?
enough talking, let me show you the real deal ...
Sahar Drdi is our newest MU youtuber in Tunisia (the family is getting bigger, yaaaaay ) she has started her channel On September 9th,2012 and she is looking forward to starting filming as soon as she gets the chance to , It’s not easy especially with her job and extracurricular activities, but she promises her subscribers and friends to do it .
Here are some photos of Sahar's MU Collection
Here comes the interview :
I don’t spend that much monthly it can vary between 30 to 80 dinars, but the craziest MU expenses can vary between 100 and 400 dinars every now and then, especially for abroad orders.
MUA is my dream job, been dreaming of since ever. I started doing MU, hair cutting and styling on people 15 years ago, my passion grew bigger and my dream went wilder with every satisfied & happy smiley face I see after the finished look. So yeah!! Now I am determined to follow my dream & realize it, I feel ready even though I am purely self taught!!! BUT I CAN DO IT, because passion and perseverance are there.
Thank you so muuuuuuuch Sahar for taking the time to answer my too many questions, and share your passion and its aftermath on your wallet with my readers.
I encourage Sahar to pursue her dreams and passion, and have her peace with her wallet too (i keep saying that to myself too :p ), nothing better than leaving you dear followers and readers with some of Sahar's works :
if you have not subscribed to my blog yet, you can still so it by clicking on the blue icon "subscribe"
you can follow me at
Stay Reasonable,
xoxo Marwa Me Blind Optimistic...
Hoping this post finds you well. my friends have been blaming me for neglecting my blog !i know i am it's just that things haven't been great at work and in my life, a real MESS ! voila ! anyway, here i am again, with new ideas, new projects, that I hope you will, my loyal readers and subscribers, like .
Today is the first episode ( sounds cooler than post :p ) of the Marwa Interviews series of post, exciting, hah ? :D
well to start, i will be doing one interview per month, of people I know and sometimes I don't know , interesting people, special people reasonable, right?
enough talking, let me show you the real deal ...
Sahar Drdi is our newest MU youtuber in Tunisia (the family is getting bigger, yaaaaay ) she has started her channel On September 9th,2012 and she is looking forward to starting filming as soon as she gets the chance to , It’s not easy especially with her job and extracurricular activities, but she promises her subscribers and friends to do it .
Here are some photos of Sahar's MU Collection
Tell me a little about yourself. Where are
you from? What's your educational background? What are your general
professional and non-professional interests?
I’m a 30 year old woman, originally from
Mjez el bab, a small town in the north west of Tunisia. I’m an English linguistics graduate since 2005
from the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences of Mannouba. After I passed the
CAPES exam, I was recruited in 2006 at the High Institute of Computer Science
and Multimedia of Gabes.
My working career made me discover new
horizons basically computer science and multimedia related .Since then I’ve
become an ICT freak (information communication technology) .I translate
and edit scientific research papers for Doctoral researches in both English and
French and I do TOIEC & TOEFL trainings for adults.
What does MAKEUP mean to you?
Makeup is basically my WORLD!!! I simply
love the confidence it gives me. I somehow find refuge in it as it makes me
feel secure, happy and above all a WOMAN!!!
How would you define your makeup style?
A flirty, smoky, fresh and professional look
making my whole face stand out.
--> My eyes are the
main focus, my eyebrows must be well defined yet light, to bring attention
to my main features. Beiges and browns are the best way to create a simple to a
sophisticated look with a flawless complexion, glowing cheeks & a touch of
nude lips.
did you realize you weren't just a makeup lover, but an ADDICT (freak :p
You wouldn't believe it but this love & addiction started more than 20 years
ago!!! Well, as a kid I used to be a colored chalk, pencils and felt tip pen FREAK. I had a huge
collection of these guys, & I still have it.J That passion grew older and CRAZIER along the years, I didn't have
loads of makeup but I used to collect MU articles & created my first hair
& beauty portfolio. So the addiction was there since ….Ever!!!!! But It was mostly inhibited due to shortage of
swore that as soon as I get a job, I’ll spend my salary on makeup and here I am
a MU FREAK and almost BROKE!!!
How much money do u spend monthly on MU (approx )
I don’t spend that much monthly it can vary between 30 to 80 dinars, but the craziest MU expenses can vary between 100 and 400 dinars every now and then, especially for abroad orders.
Did you try to cut your MU expenses, if so
how did it go?
I’m afraid not, never tried it before, it’s
super duper hard especially when it comes to makeup, it only worked with bags
& shoes, but my MU addiction is wilder & unstoppable unfortunately. My
wallet is suffering L
What advice do you give to girls out there
that are MU obsessed?
Eye shadow isn't just for your eyelids!!!! Which
means: be smart and picky and above all WISE while buying MU especially if you
are on budget. For instance get a brown eye shadow that does 3 jobs in one: to
contour your face, fill in your eyebrows and for your eyelids. Get a lipstick
that works well as a cream blusher too… Use your powder foundation to highlight
your brow bone ….
Who is your MU guru ?
I’m obsessed with British MUAs Samantha and
Nicolas CHAPMAN a.k.a PIXIWOO , GOSS Waine a.k.a GOSSMAKEUPARTIST and celebrity
What are the fall trends you are expecting
/favoring MU wise?
I'm obsessed with a Fall look that I came
across on COSMOPOLITAN’s October number: soft gray smokey eyes paired with a glossy burgundy lip portraying gothic elegance and dark
romance with a soft and neat pony tail or a messy bun /
updo to top the whole thing off.
Did you think about becoming a professional
MU artist or do you want to keep it as a hobby?
MUA is my dream job, been dreaming of since ever. I started doing MU, hair cutting and styling on people 15 years ago, my passion grew bigger and my dream went wilder with every satisfied & happy smiley face I see after the finished look. So yeah!! Now I am determined to follow my dream & realize it, I feel ready even though I am purely self taught!!! BUT I CAN DO IT, because passion and perseverance are there.
What can you tell/ advise the readers about
controlling one's passion Vs expenses?
Well, TBH I’m not a good example to follow,
I’m more like a “shop till you drop”
kind of person, an obsessive compulsive shopper in a desperate need for help, so
all I can say “to myself” and to other girls out there: be WISE, CALM DOWN, FOCUS
and “don’t bite off more than you can chew” & don’t spend more than
you can earn.
I encourage Sahar to pursue her dreams and passion, and have her peace with her wallet too (i keep saying that to myself too :p ), nothing better than leaving you dear followers and readers with some of Sahar's works :
![]() |
the famous Hair Bow <3<3 |
you can follow me at
Stay Reasonable,
xoxo Marwa Me Blind Optimistic...
wawwwwwwwwwwwww I'm amazed !!! u made me look like a star or something :))))) !! I looooove it soooooo bad marmar, I kept reading & watching & going back & forth, love love love loooooooooooove it
RépondreSupprimerur a genious lady, love ur new ideas & creativity, no blogpost is similar to the previous !!
keep on rocking young lady & again I will never thank u enough for the opportunity, it meant a lot to me, I'm so flattered & touched,my eyes are watery & i can't see the keyboard !!
ooking forward to seeing u as an MUA or a hair stylist some day, can't wait to see ur tutorials on youtube, u got the potential sweety, so hurryy & share the passion ;))
tha,k you so much for the comment! and i wanted to thank u also for having the time to answer all these questions and for accepting tp share ur passion with its worse side, too :) it's an honor walah :)
Supprimerinchalah next time it's gonna be an interview about ur channel and many success !!!
xoxo marwa
Vivent les Tunisienne :))))))
RépondreSupprimerYESSSSSSSSSS :) thank you for the comment and the subscription, i loved ur blog, and subscribed aswell ^^
Supprimerxoxo marwa
thank you very much,you are very very nice....you inspire me Marwa ;) <3
SupprimerVivent les Tunisienne(s) hhhhhhh I forgot the "S"
Supprimerنصيحه لكل فتاه
RépondreSupprimerﺇﻫﺘﻤﻰ ﺑﻌﻘﻠﻚ
ﻭ ﻃﻮﺭﻱ ﻣِﻦ ﺗﻔﻜﻴﺮﻙ
ﻓﻘﻴﻤﺘﻚ ﺁﻟﺤﻘﻴﻘﻴﻪ ﻫﻲ ﺑﺠﻤﺂﻝ
ﻻ ﺗﺼﺒﻲ ﺁﻫﺘﻤﺂﻣﻚ ﻓﻲ
ﻭ ﻣﻶﺑﺴِﻚ!
ﻓﻤﻬﻤﺂ ﻛﺎﻧﺖ ﺭﻭﻋﺔ ﺷﻜﻠﻚ
ﻓﺤﻘﻴﻘﺘُﻚ:ﺳﺘﻈﻬَﺮ ﻣﻦ ﺃﻭﻝ
ﻛﻠﻤﺔ ﺗﻨﻄﻘﻴﻨﻬﺎ
ﺍﻫﺘﻤﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﺠﻮﻫﺮ ﺍﻟﺬﻱ ﻳﺠﻌﻞ ﻣﻨﻚ ﻣـــــــــ♥ــــــــﻠﻜﺔ
ﺗﺠﻠﺐ ﻛﻞ ﺍﻹﺣﺘﺮﺍﻡ
hair styling, shopping, US TV series and shows.. what else !
"Interests: health and medicine, cooking, hair styling, shopping, US TV series and shows" and that was the whole sentence, besides do u know that u are adressing a university teacher who's cultivated, very educated and has a self estime that would need not MU to enhance it. نصيحه : read the whole interview before coming up with a useless advice copied form God knows where :)
RépondreSupprimerthank you for your comment though :)
xoxo marwa
The collection of make-up makes me dream and the model is very beautiful!!!
RépondreSupprimerthank u so much for the comment :) and yes i dream abt her collection aswell !! cant wait to see urs :) mine is not that big, it is quite small! trying to save some money but cant :p btw since you are turkish, do you know Flormar?
Supprimerxoxo marwa
sahar you look alot like kim kardashian you have the same cheek bones, you are lovely, and thanks marwa for this articles!! xoxo
RépondreSupprimerthank u marwa for the sweet comment ! glad u liked the post, and yes indeed sahar looks stunning and so is her makeup collection !
Supprimerthank u for passing by !
saty tuned for more posts !
xoxo Marwa
Marwa and Sahar, keep up the good work! from a fellow admirer who just discovered you both! Its hard to find Tunisian bloggers or youtuber!! lots of love from NY!!!!
RépondreSupprimerthank u so much bothayna for this sweet comment ! glad u liked the post and subscribed to the blog too, merci dear :)
Supprimerand yes it is hard to find tunisian bloggers or youtubers, but know that it's coming, that day when blogging wud be recognized in Tunisia, let's just keep our fingers crossed .
thank u for passing by and stay tuned ;)
xoxo Marwa
quel belle collection sahar !!! j'en veux aussi :)
RépondreSupprimerc une bonne idée cette interview et la decouverte est très agréable (meme si je connais bien sahar :)) t'es MU sont tres inspiré sahar nchala on en voit plus bientot
plein de bisous a vous 2
Thank you so much elhem for the comment !
Supprimerim also very keen to having sahar's collection, it looks amazing ! lucky her !!
thank u for passing by
xoxo Marwa