Everyone knows that today is February the 14th, Valentine's Day for some and Singles Awareness Day for the rest. As my Blind Optimistic nature, I do Love and celebrate every happy day whether it is about celebrating Love, Friendship, Women or even the Tree's. Even if I am not concerned (not in love/single) I still am in love with the spirit, the ambiance and the whole euphoric touch of the day. So again, Happy Valentine's Day !!
Now on that special day haters start to attack people who do celebrate it and feel all pinky, talking about how love should be celebrated 365 days a year, and how the whole V.Day is commercialized etc etc I say to those haters stop bothering the ones who are not like You, even if those people are the "mainstream" all you have to do is to respect them and their right to some happiness and just as simple as it is don't celebrate the damn Valentine ( I feel better now, excuse my rudeness ) .
I discovered something new today, the "Singles Awareness Day", and it's on Wikipedia too if you want to know more about it ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singles_Awareness_Day ). A friend of mine told me about it,and yes it does sound cool ( not too desperate to my taste ) for those like me, who don't have a date or a Valentine today you may also celebtare the Singles Awareness Day instead of shooting happy couples with one of your deadly, envious, screaming "I hate Ya" looks. Celebrate the love of being single (it is a jerks free day, and i mean it: no jerks today) . I know that I may sound like those haters, but know that I am speaking out of experience if you insist to know.
So, whether you are Single like me or deeply madly truly in Love, remember that today is all about the sweetest most incredible feeling in the world, which is as simple as you are, the simplest gesture can make a girl as happy as ever. Treat your girls right and Love them.
Happy Love Day everyone !!
Marwa, the Blind Optimistic